what is an atom? brief history of atom.
Definition: Atom is defined as smallest particle of an element which may or may not exist independently. e.g He, Ne, Ar etc. but Hydrogen, Oxygen atoms cannot exist independently.The modern researches have clearly shown that atom is further composed of subatomic particles like electrons, protons, neutrons, hyperons, neutrino, anti-neutrons etc. more than 100 particles are present in atom.
history of atom
Greek philosopher
thought that when matter is broken into smaller and smaller particles, finally
a smallest particle is obtained which cannot be further subdivided. Democritus
called these particles exiled atoms. This term has been derived from word
"atomis" which means indivisible.
In late 17th
century it was found that atoms of same element are present in different
substances. It was also discovered how atoms of different elements combine to
form compounds and how to break a given compound into its elements.
atomic theory of matter
Dalton showed that
law of conservation of matter and law of constant proportions could be
explained on the basis of atoms. He developed an atomic theory according to
which all matter is composed of atoms of different elements differ in their
J. Berzelius determined atomic masses of elements. Berzelius also developed a system of giving symbols to each element.
In twentieth
century x-ray work has shown that the diameter of atoms are of the order of
2x10 -10 meter or 0.2nm.
Masses of atoms
range from 10-25 kg to 10-27 kg. The masses of atom are
generally expressed in terms of amu. 1 amu = 1.661x10-27 kg. A full
stop "." can bear two million atoms present in it. It gives an idea
about very small size of an atom.
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